domingo, 25 de octubre de 2020

Greetings from the Other Side by Benita Glickman

Greetings from the Other Side by Benita Glickman

“...I didn’t believe in love at first sight, but the inexplicable seemed to have happened. I had been struck by a thunderbolt. I knew at that moment that our love was ordained. Joseph and I were destined to meet that day, destined to be together, and destined to remain together for a lifetime.” In Greetings from the Other Side, author Benita Glickman describes her special bond with Joseph Larizza, the harmony they experienced, and the unconditional acceptance and support they provided one another. “It was an all-encompassing love that nourished my being, my heart and my soul.” Ms. Glickman delicately relates her story about caregiving, and suffering through hardships inherent in the process. She details the grief and pain she experienced after her beloved Joseph’s passing, and her attempts to make sense of it all, and to cope. Ms. Glickman’s debut memoir ultimately chronicles her spiritual awakening, thus providing hope to those who have lost a love one. It affirms the possibility of life after death through visions, telepathic communications, dreams, and signs of remembrance. Sprinkled with original poetry and drizzled with occasional word play, Greetings from the Other Side will make you smile, cry, open your heart, look at things differently, heal, and grow. To learn more or order the book: Facebook:

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